比賽相片 Contest Photos
比賽詳情 Contest Details
聯合國經濟和社會事務部負責處理⼀系列影響⼈們⽣活和⽣計的跨領域問題,特別是對於脆弱群體。為實現可持續發展⽬標,它們劃分了 17 個⽬標類別,包括: 消除貧窮、性別平等、清潔飲⽔和衛⽣設施、永續發展的市鎮規劃及氣候⾏動等等。
是次比賽希望讓中⼩學⽣對於地球的可持續發展有更深入的認識,並透過創意編程遊戲或動畫吸引更多⼈關注及推廣可持續發展的議題。我們選取了 6 ⼤主題,讓參賽者透過 Scratch 發放永續的訊息!
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs deals with a range of cross-cutting issues that affect people’s lives and livelihoods, especially for vulnerable groups. To achieve the SDGs, they are divided into 17 goal categories, including: No poverty, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, climate action, among others.
This competition hopes to give primary and secondary school students a deeper understanding of the sustainable development of the earth, and to attract more attention and promote sustainable development issues through creative programming games and animations. We have selected 6 major themes for contestants to send sustainable messages through Scratch 3.0!

比賽主題 Themes of Contest
1. 創意動畫設計組別
主題1: 經濟適⽤的清潔能源 – 確保所有的人都可取得負擔得起、可靠、永續及現代的能源
主題2: 性別平等 – 實現性別平等,並賦予婦女權力
主題3: 永續發展的市鎮規劃 – 建構具包容、安全、韌性及永續特質的城市與鄉村
2. 遊戲設計組別
主題 1: 保育及維護海洋資源 – 保育及永續利用海洋生態系,以確保生物多樣性並防止海洋環境劣化
主題 2: 保育及維護⽣態領地 – 保育及永續利用陸域生態系,確保生物多樣性並防止土地劣化
主題 3: 清潔飲⽔和衛⽣設施 – 確保所有人都能享有水、衛生及其永續管理
欲了解更多相關資訊請瀏覽: https://sdgs.un.org/
Contestants may choose one of the following themes:
1. Animation Design Category
Theme 1: Affordable and Clean Energy – Ensuring Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All
Theme 2: Gender Equality – Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women and Girls
Theme 3: Sustainable Cities and Communities – Make cities and human settlements inclusive safe resilient and sustainable
2. Game Design Category
Theme 1: Life Below Water – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Theme 2: Life On Land – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Theme 3: Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
For more information, please visit: https://sdgs.un.org/
Theme 1: Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensuring Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All
Theme 2: Gender Equality
Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women and Girls
Theme 3: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive safe resilient and sustainable
Theme 1: Life Below Water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Theme 2: Life On Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Theme 3: Sustainable Cities And Communities
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
參賽資格 Eligibility
參賽組別(以 2021 年⾄ 2022 年學校年度就讀級別作計算)
• 初⼩組(⼩⼀⾄⼩三)
• ⾼⼩組(⼩四⾄⼩六)
• 初中組(中⼀⾄中三)
Full-time students from Primary 1 to Secondary 3 in Hong Kong
Participating categories (Based on the school’s annual attendance level from 2021 to 2022)
• Junior Primary Category (Primary 1 to 3)
• Senior Primary Category (Primary Four to Six)
• Junior Secondary Category (Secondary 1 to Secondary 3)
獎項及獎品 Awards and Prizes
•冠軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及Acer Chromebook ⼀部
•冠軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及Acer Chromebook ⼀部
•亞軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及Dr.Kong 禮券 $600
•季軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及Dr.Kong 禮券 $400
•冠軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及Acer Chromebook ⼀部
•季軍(⼀名):獎盃、獎狀及BrainStation 學習券 $300
•最佳遊戲體驗獎(⼀名):獎狀及BrainStation 學習券 $300
•最佳動畫設計獎(⼀名):獎狀及BrainStation 學習券 $300
•最具創意獎(⼀名):獎狀及BrainStation 學習券 $300
•最佳演說獎(⼀名):獎狀及BrainStation 學習券 $300
作品規格 Submission requirements
• 格式:sb3 檔案
• 參賽作品的遊戲或動畫必須為原創作品,不可抄襲
• 作品中所使⽤的圖片、聲⾳及影片均必須為原創或已授權;如發現有違反⾏為,相關參賽者將被取消參賽資格
• Software: https://scratch.mit.edu/
• Format: sb3 file
• The game and animation of the project must be an original work, no plagiarism is allowed.
• The pictures, sounds and videos used in the works must be original or authorized; if any violation is found, the entrants will be disqualified from the competition
報名及遞交⽅法 Submission Details
請仔細閱讀報名表格上之注意事項並填妥報名表格,報名費⽤為$250 ⼀項比賽
1. 請依以下格式命名檔案:[組別編號_參賽者⾝份證明⽂件上英⽂全名]。例
2. 填妥報名表格,並把作品檔案電郵⾄
competition@brainstation.com.hk。電郵標題請註明「永續發展SCRATCH編程創作大賽2022 繳交作品」。以電郵投稿的截⽌時間為 2022年 8⽉ 5⽇晚上 11 時 59 分,逾期將不獲處理。
Please read the event rules and event details carefully and fill in the registration form. The registration fee is $250 for one category of the contest
(Contestants can participate in two categories of animation design and game design at the same time, and the fee is calculated by each category)
1. Please name the file in the following format: [Group Number_Full Name in English on the participant’s identity document].
For example, the project file should be named as “A1_Tyler_Siu_Ming_Chan.sb3”
2. Fill in the registration form and email the project file to
competition@brainstation.com.hk. Please state the subject of the email “Sustainable Development SCRATCH Coding Contest 2022”. The deadline for submission on or before August 5, 2022. Late submission will not be accepted.
評審準則 Evaluation Criteria
主題切合度 𝟑𝟎%
創意 𝟑𝟎%
構圖 𝟐𝟎%
技巧運⽤ 𝟐𝟎%
Theme – Relevancy, Denotation & Vividness of Message 30%
Creativity 30%
Visual & Aesthetic Sense 20%
Programming Technic 20%
賽果公布 Results and Notification to Winners
每個組別進入決賽的⼈數為 5 ⼈,進入決賽的名單將於活動網⾴公布並會個別聯絡通知。
決賽將於「課外活動教材及⽤品博覽 2022 暨課外閱讀⽂化節」8 ⽉ 25 ⽇當天舉⾏。決賽時間為 4:00pm – 6:30pm,參賽者需於決賽當天進⾏ 3 分鐘作品演說,評審會在當天對作品進⾏測試及評分。
Preliminary Round
5 entrants of each group will be selected for the finals. The list of finalists will be announced on the event website and will be notified individually.
The finals will be held on the 25th of August on the day of the “Extracurricular Activities Teaching Materials and Supplies Expo Exhibition Introduction”. The final competition time is 4:00pm – 6:30pm. Contestants are required to give a 3-minute speech on the day of the final. The judges will test and rate the projects on the same day.
Each entrant must abide by the terms and conditions of the competition, otherwise the entrant will be disqualified or not accepted and the organizer will not give further notice.
Click sign up for registration
Submit your info and get the contest started!