Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

1.04 The grow spell

You also need a grow spell to return the Fairy sprite to normal size or to make a massive fairy!

Tip: In this step, you will add co

Add a script to the grow button sprite to broadcast a grow message:e to three different sprites. Make sure you select the correct sprite from the Sprite list below the Stage and click on the Code tab.

Add a script to get the Fairy sprite to grow:

You can reverse the ‘shrink’ sound to make a ‘grow’ sound!

Select the Wand sprite and click on the Sounds tab.

Right-click (or tap and hold) the shrink sound and choose duplicate.

Name the copy grow.

Click on the Reverse icon to make the sound play backwards.

Add a script to the Wand sprite to play the grow sound when the grow message is received:

Test: Click on the shrink and grow spell buttons to cast the spells as many times as you like.

