Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

3.04 Parrot distraction

To make it harder for players to find and click on the bug, you will add an annoying parrot to distract them.

A colourful parrot on the Stage.

Add the Parrot sprite

Add the Parrot sprite.

The 'Choose a Sprite' icon.

Animate the Parrot sprite

In the Catch the bus project, you used a repeat loop.

You will use a different loop here. A forever loop runs the code blocks inside it again and again. It is the perfect loop for an annoying parrot that will not stop flying around and getting in the way.

Add code to make the parrot flap around in a distracting way:

The Parrot sprite.

Test: Click on the green flag and test your project again. Can you remember where you hid the bug?

In Scratch, code that is running glows with a yellow outline:

Tip: If the parrot gets too annoying while you are coding, you can click the red stop button above the Stage to stop the code from running.

