Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

5.04 Change the sound

Add interaction so that you can choose what instrument is used when a sound is played.

The great thing about digital music is that you can get one instrument sprite to easily play the sounds of many different instruments.

Add some sprites to represent the different sounds you want your instrument to play. You can use instrument sprites, or choose whatever you like, it does not have to make sense.

You can add code to the pick sprite to change the instrument that is being played when the pick sprite touches your additional sprites.

Add code within a forever block, so that when the pick touches the different sprites, the instrument being played changes. For example:

You can customise your project to play any sound you want when the pick touches an instrument, object, or character on the Stage.

Debug: You might find some bugs in your project that you need to fix. Here are some common bugs.

Make sure the if condition in your Sensing block matches the instrument or sound you wanted from the Music extension.

