Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

1.05 Toad transformation

Now it’s time for another spell. This time you’re going to cast a transformation spell by broadcasting a toad message that turns the Fairy sprite into a toad!

Maybe she’s going on an adventure where being a toad will be more useful.

Add a script to the toad button sprite to broadcast the ‘toad’ message:

Select the Fairy sprite and click on the Costumes tab.

To transform the Fairy sprite into a toad you will use Fairy-a and Fairy-toad-a costumes.

Click on the Code tab and add a switch costume to block to the end of your existing when flag clicked script so the Fairy is in human form when you run your project:

Add a new script to the Fairy sprite to turn into a toad:

Add the Croak sound to the Wand sprite.

Rename the sound to toad:

Add a script to the Wand sprite to play the toad sound when the toad spell is cast:

Test: Test that you can turn the Fairy into a toad, with a sound effect, when you click the toad button. Click on the green flag again to turn the Fairy sprite back into a human.

The opposite of a ‘toad’ spell is an ‘untoad’ spell.

Add a script to the untoad button sprite to broadcast the ‘untoad’ message:

Add a new script to untoad the Fairy sprite:

Select the Wand sprite and switch to the Sounds tab.

Duplicate the toad sound and rename it to untoad.

Click on the Reverse icon so that the untoad sound plays backwards.

Add a script to the Wand sprite to play the untoad sound:

Test: Try the toad and untoad spells, and try shrink and grow when the Fairy is in toad form.

