Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

1.06 Add another character

Get a sprite of your choice to respond to the spells. You will need to create a toad costume ‘mash-up’ for the sprite, and add code so the costume changes when the spell messages are broadcast.

Duplicate the Fairy sprite.

Delete the Fairy-a and Fairy-toad-a costumes. You will be left with a toad costume.

Add a costume of your choice to the new sprite.

We chose the Batter:

You might want to change the direction the sprite is pointing in.

Tip: If your sprite goes upside down you can change its rotation-style to left-right in the Sprite properties pane or using a code block.

When you grow or shrink a sprite, you want the feet to stay in the same place.

First use the Select (arrow) tool to draw a rectangle around the costume and then Group it. Then drag your character above the crosshair.

Click on the toad costume.

Rename the costume to match your sprite, we used Batter-toad-a.

If the toad costume is facing the opposite way to the main costume you can use Flip Horizontal.

Now you need to make the toad look like the character. Combining two costumes in this way is called a ‘mash-up’.

You could add a small detail, like a splash of colour, or copy and paste sunglasses or a hat in the Paint editor.

Tip: You can add any costume to your character sprite. Use the Select (arrow) tool then click on Copy or Paste.

Tip: You can group all the objects in a costume. Select them (with the Select tool or Ctrl-a) and then click Group.

Our Batter toad looks like:

Switch to the Code tab for your new sprite.

Change all of the switch costume blocks to use the correct costumes for your new sprite.

You might also want to change the start size of the sprite when green flag clicked.

Test: Click on the spell buttons — both characters should respond to the spell broadcasts.

Debug: Check that you have changed the costumes in th switch costume blocks for your new sprite.

