Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

2.01 You will make

Create a spaceship puzzle room with a character that solves puzzles.

You will:

  • Use a repeat until block to control when an action stops
  • Use multiple join blocks to output the value of a variable
  • Combine and, or, and not conditions to solve problems

Play ▶️

Uh oh, the spaceship is encountering some difficulties! Use the arrows to get the engineer character to move around the spaceship. Can you help them solve all the puzzles and help the spaceship?

Puzzle roomSee inside

  1. You need to be close to the button and click it five times
  2. You need to be close to the chair and then use the crosshairs to destroy ten asteroids
  3. You need to be close to the handwheel and click it to turn it a total of three full turns
