Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

5.07 Upgrade your project

If you have time, you can upgrade your project.

You have an awesome instrument and soundscape — you can add other layers to the music to make a band, an accompaniment, or add some beats.

Here are some ideas you could try:

  • Add other instruments
  • Add some beats
  • Create a band or choir

You used colour to play notes in this project. Can you think of other ways you can play notes in Scratch?

Here are some ideas:

  • Play notes depending on where on the Stage the mouse-pointer is
  • Play notes through key presses
  • Introduce ‘random’ to procedurally generate music
  • Make a ‘copy the tune’ game where Scratch plays a tune for the user to copy using the instrument

Each example project in the Introduction has a See inside link for you to open the project in Scratch and look at the code to get ideas and see how they work.

